The Stop Ecocide movement is inspired by years of work and research by visionary lawyer, Polly Higgins, who saw that creating an international crime of ecocide would be the most powerful and effective means of protecting the Earth.  The movement continues to be supported, promoted and energised by far-sighted, passionate lawyers across the world.  

Legal Definition of Ecocide

In June 2021, the Independent Expert Panel, convened by our charitable arm, the Stop Ecocide Foundation concluded its groundbreaking drafting work and a proposed consensus definition of ecocide was announced.

Read the Commentary and Core Text.

Our sister website is a comprehensive resource hub providing a regularly updated collection of adademic and legal material relating to “ecocide” law, including research articles, publications and related topics.

Coming Soon: Defending Tomorrow

Through conversations with world-class legal experts, topics related and relevant to the environmental legal field will be discussed, in particular the global campaign for the recognition of Ecocide as a crime in the Rome Statute.

Presented by: Rodrigo Lledó and Victor Rujano.

Produced by SEI Lawyers Network.

If you are a lawyer, whether practising or academic, and would like to support this groundbreaking movement, add your name and email below in order to receive email updates and calls to action.

The more the legal world gets behind establishing ecocide crime, the more powerful the momentum to do so will become.

Some of the lawyers supporting ecocide law: