Business Sector
When the rules and regulations are clear, businesses can successfully manage risk and plan with confidence. They know where the boundaries of safe practice lie in their duty to maximise profit while maintaining a healthy business - and their investors, insurers and shareholders know it too.
Level playing-field
Right now, businesses spearheading sustainable practices are at a competitive disadvantage. Setting a boundary for what is legally and morally acceptable raises best practice, creates a level playing field for sustainable enterprise and rewards those doing the right thing.
Clear parameters unleash creativity. Business will be stimulated to ask the right questions, rebalance demand away from goods created through harmful practices and direct resources and talent towards developing new regenerative business models systems that work in harmony with nature.
When destructive channels are closed, investment and insurance will shift naturally to favour sustainable projects. Policy and best practice will follow suit.
By working with nature rather than against it, business operations will become more efficient and effective.
The new legal framework will encourage tapping into on-the-ground expertise and knowledge in the workforce as new approaches are explored for working in better harmony with nature. Employee commitment, motivation and satisfaction will significantly improve.
Clear responsibilities set out in law will deter climate and environmental injustice at source, providing a guide rail towards greater fairness and a culture of care and ensuring that key decision makers take their responsibilities seriously.
Future Proofing
Ecocide law will favour and encourage business models which work in harmony with a thriving, evolving environment, replacing a harsh, destructive economic cycle with a virtuous regenerative one.